INT 14 - BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services
For more information, see the following topics:
INT 14,0 Initialize serial port parameters
INT 14,1 Send character in AL
INT 14,2 Receive character in AL
INT 14,3 Get Serial port status
INT 14,4 Extended initialize (PS/2)
INT 14,5 Extended communication port control (PS/2)
- all functions have:
AH = function number
AL = character to send or receive
DX = zero based RS232 card number
- all registers are preserved except AX
- these functions use hardware flow control
- used by DOS MODE to redirect LPTx output to a serial device
- see individual functions for more data
BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services (Status)
|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| AL modem status
| | | | | | | `---- clear to send status changed
| | | | | | `----- data set ready status changed
| | | | | `------ trailing edge ring indicator
| | | | `------- receive line signal changed
| | | `-------- clear to send
| | `--------- data set ready
| `---------- ring indicator
`----------- receive line signal detected
|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| AH port status
| | | | | | | `---- data ready
| | | | | | `----- overrun error
| | | | | `------ parity error
| | | | `------- framing error
| | | `-------- break detect
| | `--------- transmit holding register empty
| `---------- transmit shift register empty
`----------- time out (N/A for functions 1 and 2)